We gladly announce the German Research Foundation (DFG) approval for our GEPARD (GEfäßwandsimulation und -visualisierung zur Patientenindividualisierten Blutflussvorhersage für die intrakranielle AneuRysmamoDellierung) proposal. The project was developed by Dr.-Ing. Sylvia Saalfeld and Dr.-Ing. Philipp Berg. The 3-year project comprises two PhD-positions and aims at blood flow simulation and visualization of patient-specific intracranial aneurysms. Intracranial aneurysms and their associated rupture risk have been active research areas of both applicants for the last years. With the GEPARD project, especially the morphology of the intracranial vessel wall and its influence on the subsequent blood flow simulation will be examined. Furthermore, the extravascular space will be incorporated into the analyses as well. The project will be carried out in close cooperation with the neuroradiology department of the university hospital Magdeburg and will be integrated into the Forschungscampus STIMULATE.