Publications – Master’s Theses

185 entries « 1 of 4 »


Tim Härtel

Gamified Virtual Reality Training for CT-based 3D-Orientation in Middle and Inner Ear Anatomies Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2024.


Asad Karim

Visual Summaries of Videos Using Aggregated Keyframe with Seam Carving Optimization Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2024.


Eric-Morten Dangszat

Einfluss von verschiedenen Abstraktionsgraden auf die Usability einer VR-Trainingsanwendung für intraoperativen Ultraschall Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2024.


Sophie Mlitzke

Decoding Pathological Nested Surfaces: Interaction Methods for Public Communication Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2024.


Aaron Schroeder

Smoke-Like Visualization of Aortic Dissection Hemodynamics Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2024.

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Tameem Jahangir

Deep Learning Based Liver Vessel Segmentation Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2024.


Jasneet Singh

Deep Learning Based Kidney and Kidney Tumor Segmentation Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2024.


Sophia Dowlatabadi

Utilizing Narrative Visualizations to Represent Age Distributions of Diseases Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2024.


Srilekha Tummala

The Harmonization of Multi-Site Effects in Large-Scale Morphometric Brain Images in Ageing and Alzheimer's Disease Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2024.


Naveeth Reddy Chitti

Deep Learning Based Analysis of Histological Skin Cross-Sections Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2024.


Kishore Tirupathi Seenivasan

Evaluating Data-Driven Stories Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2024.



Danish Murad

Analysis of Frames and User Responses in YouTube Videos Promoting Health Literacy Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.


Stanley Chukwuemeka Umeh

Development of a Framework for the Extraction of Representative but Diverse Subset of Instances from a Dataset with Respect to an Instance of Interest Masters Thesis


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Yumna Iqbal

Narrative Patterns in Medical Data Stories Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.


Apoorva Karagappa

Communicating Uncertainty through Line Charts Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.

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Anna Kleinau

Interactive Generation of Narrative Visualizations for Risk Communication Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.

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Kai Ostendorf

Generation of Phantom Aortic Dissection Models Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.

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Abhigna Domakonda

User Behaviour Analysis for Medical Data-Driven YouTube Videos through User Engagement Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.


Heera Puthussery Mohan

Narrative Patterns in Medical Data Stories of Radiological Diagnostic Diseases Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.


Vatsal Pandey

Deep Learning Based Co-Registration of Point Clouds Masters Thesis


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Marie Bofferding

A Comparative Analysis of Automated and AI-Based Approaches to Airway Tree Segmentation Considering Pathological Lung CT Data Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.


Calida Pereira

Visual Analytics to Support Tumor Boards in Dermatology Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.


Jalaj Arjav Vora

Pattern Detection in Tabular Data with Shallow Hierarchy: A Visual Analytics Case-Study in Narrative Visualisation Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.


Jorik Jakober

Entwicklung einer Virtual Reality Trainingsanwendung zur kognitiven Rehabilitation von Neglect-Patienten mittels Eye-Tracking Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.

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Venkata Punnaiah Sastry Jammalamadaka

Design and Test of an Instrument Carrier for a Collaborative OR Robot Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.

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Shiva Kumar Sirasala

Implementation of Practical Collaborative Robot Scrub Nurse Approach Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.


Karthik Kadajji

Magnetic Resonance-Based Classification of Alzheimer's Diagnosis: Comparison of Structural and Functional Brain Images Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.


Danyil Kosenko

Automatische (DL) Segmentierung der hochauflösenden 7T TOF MRI Daten Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.


Divya Sasidharan

Assembly Inspection Automation Using Edge Features for Anomaly Detection Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2023.



Marcus Streuber

Radiation Visualization and Simulation Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.


Shreya Parthasarathy Rangan

Visual-based XAI for Detection of COVID-19 in Chest X-Rays Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.


Lenia Hollenbach

Design Study of the Spatio-Temporal Event-Based Data Visualization TempMap Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.


Vemu Sai Sharan

Artificial Intelligence Solutions for MDI Audio Classification in Scope of Mobile Applications and Respiratory Disease Treatment Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.


Nastasja Steinhauer

A Descriptive Characterization of Interactive Data-driven Visual Storytelling in a Spatio-temporal Context Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.

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Shudarsan Saravanan

Parameterization of a User Interface for Monitoring an Additive Manufacturing Process Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.


Vikram Apilla

Comparison between Desktop and VR in Virtually Performing Superficial Decontamination Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.

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Bernhard Schekatz

Entwurf und Implementierung eines abstrakten, generischen Eventsystems für XR-Frameworks zur flexibleren Entwicklung in der virtuellen Konstruktion und Planung Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.


Janine Zöllner

Entwicklung einer interaktiven Nuklidkarte zum Vergleich von Interaktionselementen in virtueller Realität Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.

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Muhammad Hashim Khan Naveed

Visual Analysis of Digital Cognitive Tests for Early Indications of Alzheimer's Disease Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.


Florian Waldschik

Workflow zur Erstellung von 3D-Modellen für Hands-on Training in der Radiochemie Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.

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Vahid Abdi

Freehand and Markerless 2D to 3D Photoacoustic Image Reconstruction Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.


Varsha Arun

Glyph Based Aneurysm Representation Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.


Janneck Stahl

Hämodynamische Betrachtung signalverstärkter Hirnvenen zur Bewertung von arteriovenösen Malformationen Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.


Muhammad Wagas

Narvative Visualization and Analysis in Conflict Reseach with a Focus on Terrorism Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.


Fina Gießler

Entfernung von Gesichtsmerkmalen in neurologischen Schichtbilddaten Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2022.



Seyedbehnam Beladi

Comparative visual analysis of experiment-based verfication results by using ML techniques in chip manufacturing domain Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2021.


Chaitanya Sankaramanchi

Adaption of an Additive Manufacturing Process and its Implementation on MiiCraft 3D Printer Considering Medical Device Regulation Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2021.


Shubham Kumar Agrawal

A Combined Deep Learning-based Approach for Liver and Liver Lesion Segmentation in MR and CT Imaging Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2021.


Ulrike Sprengel

Konzeption, Entwicklung und Evaluierung einer Online Anwendung zur semi-automatischen Auswertung intrakranieller Aneurysmen Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2021.


Abhilash Mandal

Predicting Wall Shear Stress for Intracranial Aneurysms using 3D Deep Learning Masters Thesis

Dept. of Computer Science, 2021.


185 entries « 1 of 4 »