Home Training for the Treatment of Cognitive Disorders

The cost pressure on rehabilitation hospitals results in stroke patients being released from hospital after 3-4 weeks and having further therapy with occupational therapists and neuropsychologists in private practice. However, under current conditions, the treatment intensity that is necessary for an efficient follow-up therapy is not further ensured after rehabilitation hospital discharge. To achieve therapeutic effects, the initiated therapy must be continued by intensive and preferably daily training.

This research project aims at the development of a system for the therapy of cognitive disorders for patients after stroke in home training. For this purpose, user interfaces with new interaction and visualization techniques shall be developed. Furthermore, studies shall validate whether reward and motivation techniques from computer games can be transferred to the new therapy software. For example, one element of the motivation and reward strategy is the suitable illustration of patient’s performance data.




VR Acrophobia Treatment - Development of Customizable Acrophobia Inducing Scenarios

Sebastian Wagner, Kay Illner, Matthias Weber, Bernhard Preim, Patrick Saalfeld

VR Acrophobia Treatment - Development of Customizable Acrophobia Inducing Scenarios Inproceedings

Proc. of Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM), pp. 49–53, 2020.

BibTeX | Links:


Difficulty Factors for VR Cognitive Rehabilitation Training – Crossing a Virtual Road

Sebastian Wagner, Fabian Joeres, Mareike Gabele, Christian Hansen, Bernhard Preim, Patrick Saalfeld

Difficulty Factors for VR Cognitive Rehabilitation Training – Crossing a Virtual Road Journal Article

Computers & Graphics, 83 , pp. 11–22, 2019, ISSN: 0097-8493.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Crossing iVRoad: A VR application for detecting unilateral visuospatial neglect in postroke patients

Sebastian Wagner, Julia Belger, Bernhard Preim, Patrick Saalfeld

Crossing iVRoad: A VR application for detecting unilateral visuospatial neglect in postroke patients Inproceedings

International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, 2019.


The Development of "Orbit": The Collaborative BCI Game for Children with AD(H)D

Karina Arrambide, Mareike Gabele, Lisa Freiman Cormier, Sebastian Wagner, Rina R Wehbe, Christian Hansen, Lennart Nacke

The Development of "Orbit": The Collaborative BCI Game for Children with AD(H)D Inproceedings

Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY), 2019.
