These are the materials used in the exercises. All relevant organizational information is contained in the introductory slide set.
The notebooks listed under “Additional material” do not have to be prepared in advance. They are used during the practical part of the exercises.
Week of | Exercise sheet due to | Additional material |
14.10. | no exercise | |
21.10. | no exercise | |
28.10. | no exercise but additional lecture this week | |
04.11. | no exercise but additional lecture this week | |
11.11. | Introduction, Exercise Sheet 1 | Notebook 1, Notebook 2 |
18.11. | Exercise Sheet 2 | Notebook 3 |
25.11. | Exercise Sheet 3 | Notebook 4 |
02.12. | Exercise Sheet 4 | Notebook 5 |
09.12. | Exercise Sheet 5 | Notebook 6 |
16.12. | Exercise Sheet 6 | Notebook 7 |
13.01 | Exercise Sheet 7 | Notebook 8 |
20.01 | Exercise Sheet 8 | Notebook 9 |
27.01 | Presentation of Master Tasks | |