MedVis-Award 2012: The winner is Rocco!

Rocco Gasteiger’s work on the visual exploration of cerebral blood flow was selected for the first price from 17 submissions to this year’s Karl-Heinz Höhne Award. At the photos, Dr. Stefan Zachow from Zuse-Institute Berlin who was the head of the selection committee (together with Prof. Dorit Merhof), awards the price. Rocco was the first author of two related IEEE TVCG papers exploring features of cerebral blood flow in the presence of cerebral aneuryms.

Besides his numerous own ideas, concepts, and implementations, he carefully collaborated with colleagues and other groups. He integrated important works from our partners in flow simulation (Gabor Janiga, Dominique Thevenin), from our medical partners (Oliver Beuing, Martin Skalej), our friends from Eindhoven (Roy van Pelt, Anna Vilanova) as well our colleagues from the visual computing group (Dirk Lehmann, Holger Theisel) and finally, Rocco very effectively teamed up with Mathias in our group for many years now.

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