
Steffen Oeltze et al. will present their work on “Interactive, Graph-based Visual Analysis of High-dimensional, Multi-parameter Fluorescence Microscopy Data in Toponomics”. In close cooperation with leading cell biologists and the SimVis team (link zu from Vienna, Steffen explored interactive graph visualization techniques and visual analytics techniques to analyze co-occuring proteins and function protein patterns in multi-parameter fluorescence microscopy. This fundamental biological research has potential applications in toxicology and drug development.

Rocco Gasteiger and Mathias Neugebauer will also present their work on “The FlowLens: A Focus and Context Visualization Approach for Exploration of Blood Flow in Cerebral Aneurysms”. Based on an in-depth recherche on relevant hemodynamic attributes, they enable the exploration of blood flow data where attribute pairs are displayed and investigated with flexible lenses. This work is a strongly interdisciplinary effort where medical doctors from neuroradiology provide the necessary medical background and evaluate our techniques and where the simulation group from Prof. Thevenin provides validated simulation data of blood flow in cerebral aneurysms.

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