Visualization Center @ Norrköping, Sweden Timo Ropinski @ Welcome-talk
This year’s Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine ( took place at the Visualization Center in Norrköping, Sweden. From the 17 full paper presentations, three were given by our group.
Katja Mogalle presented a method for automatic label placement in 2D image slices for the reading of radiological images. Based on a case study, the main constraints for label placement have been analyzed and are evaluated for finding valid and suitable label positions.
Steffen Oeltze described a volume rendering approach for visualizing protein patterns of 3D toponome data. The utility provides multiple coordinated views and techniques for interacting with the 3D view in an exploratory analysis.
Tobias Mönch developed a framework, which allows to perform mesh smoothing and model quality estimation in real-time. Based on an OpenGL implementation, suggestions for optimal smoothing parameters may determined and used to simply the use of mesh smoothing filters. This paper has been selected as one of the three best papers and has been invited for publication in Computer Graphics Forum.